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Joseph Kirubakaran


What's your art?

I find it easy to express myself through music, specifically playing the keyboard. I also enjoy playing the guitar and singing along. Of late, I have been enjoying producing music, putting together videos, and trying my hand at videography.

Why do you do what you do?

I usually do the things I do for one of two reasons :
As an outlet, to express myself or just reflect upon my thoughts
Finding joy in creating something

What happens when you stop doing your art?

Life becomes monotonous and boring if art is removed from it. Creating art and the process itself reminds me that life is to be enjoyed.

What’s your story?

I’ve had and I still do have trouble expressing myself in words and art is an excellent outlet. A lot of the people I am grateful to have met have been through some form of art and I am grateful for every single one of them.

Who do you want to inspire?

I would like to inspire everyone, hehe. I hope to be an inspiration to the people who are wondering if they should do something. I would like to encourage them to get started somewhere. Anywhere is a good place to start. After all, a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.

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